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OERsterk Podcast met Joseph McClendon III

Joseph McClendon III studeerde neuropsychologie en wereldwijd bekend in het veld van de Ultimate Performance. Hij heeft inmiddels wereldwijd voor meer dan 6 miljoen mensen op het podium gestaan.

Would you like to receive the bestseller Dare To Be Magnificent by Joseph McClendon as a free E-book? Then click on this link: https://succesgids.nl/oersterk/

In this podcast Joseph tells about:

  • what he thinks of the Dutch people
  • why most people don’t function at their ultimate performance
  • the themes that he often find at the core of a challenge
  • why we haven’t learned anywhere to work preventively on our mental health, and thus make more impact in our lives
  • devolution and why people suffer from fears, phobias and emotional challenges that have a negative impact on their lives
  • what all the sessions in his practice in Los Angelos (called ‘freak city’) have brought him as a person
  • what happened to him at the age of 17, that spiraled Joseph’s life out of control, ultimately leaving him homeless, helpless, and lost
  • how the book Think and Grow Rich changed his life
  • why most people don’t practice daily physical and mental self-care
  • the important difference between action and activity
  • what a thought is and the influence of thoughts on your reality
  • his call to you to start living magnificient, so the essence of who you are
  • what the world would be like if everyone got what they wanted
  • people he look up to
  • his first book Unlimited Power, A black choice that he wrote together with Tony Robbins
  • 5 essential habits from his boek Dare To Be Magnificent: The Five Key Elements Of an Unshakable Extraordinary Life
  • why his A-factor seminar in Amsterdam is so powerful
  • trauma’s and neuro-encoding (and why we don’t teach this to children at school)
  • the power of gratitude and where’s Joseph grateful for right now
  • the vitality rules that he integrats into his daily life (Joseph is 70 years old and extremely vital)
  • how to become happy, healthy and financially abundant

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